
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Daisy Bear

Hello Everyone,

Well, I'm still dieing here...I've never been so sick since...well...I cant remember, I just dont get sick, but by crikey this one snuck up on me and bit hard.
My g/sons popped around to bring me some lemons, love the things and very good for you....we were having a croaky painful chat, and I mentioned, I wanted my Mum...the 6 year old looked at me, thought about it, and said "Nana...she is in mummy heaven."...gulp....I told him I know that. but I wanted her here cause I was sick..he thought a bit more"but, if she was here, who would take care of the small angels that got sick...this kid kills me....he is such a logic thinker for one so young, then he handed me a lemon and said " here Nana, suck this, well now I exploded into a phlegm, coughing, ripped stomach muscle cough that nearly put me on the floor, while my head was thumping and my ears exploding,tears streaming from my eyes,snott pouring from my nose....but this kid made my day.

I'm going to take Monday off from work, I need to get some strength back, 2 days was not quite enough....I looked outside this morning to the most beautiful thick white frost, and now brilliant sunshine pouring in my front ranchslider, so I'm still sung, and warm..and..staying here.

Pulled a little card together last night...well.. finished it, and going to enter him in a new challenge blog
Ready Teddy Go  must use a teddy bear and the theme is buttons and bow.

So, I just took my pain racked diseased body to re photograh as, When writing, I realised that I had not added buttons or a

This little cutie 'Daisy' was a freebie from ...
Dianne  but the link has changed and this takes you to her shop...coloured with pencils and a few copics,added the star buttons and the bow, cute foam ladybug, papers from stash, a few crystals..

The sentiment is from Inspired stamps lovely sheet of all sorts of sentiments.

Thats me done, time to go back to the couch,I'm trying to keep up with commenting, but can only do short stints at a time, hope you are all having a wonderful weekend,will catch up soon.



Diane's Card Designs said...

Such a cute image. Love the papers and star buttons.
Diane :-) xx

McCrafty's Cards said...

Gorgeous card Chrissy, I like the sweet image and those lovely star buttons.
Kevin xx

DesignerDiva said...

Oh poor you Chrissy you sound awful, I hope you're soon feeling much better.
YOur card is gorgeous and to think you were so ill when you made it! I'm a terrible patient - I'd feel far too sorry for myself lol

Hugs to you Laurie xx

Anonymous said...

Love the pretty colour for the teddy :) something unsual :)


Viv said...

Awww poor Chrissy! Hope you sucked your lemon! LMAO! How funny is that!!!

Sweet card, and must be something in the water here downunder, I keep forgetting essentials like buttons , bows, lace etc!

Unknown said...

This is so cute Chrissy, such a sweet teddy... So sorry to hear you are feeling so bad, wish I was near you so I could come and give you some hugs to get better xxx

Vicky said...

Just so cute the wee image and gorgeous colouring too hun...

Hope you feel better soon sweetie...and

thanks for joining us at Ready-Teddy-Go....and good luck...!

hugs Vicky xx

Nicola said...

This is amazing, I love the little star buttons! The colours are lovely and work so well together! Thanks for joining us at Ready Teddy Go, good luck =) x

Lisa Jane said...

OH Chrissy - you sound poorly ... make sure yu take care of yourself .. and keep warm. What a cute little boy ..the little story made me smile.
Love this cute little card - the star buttons are fab
Lisa x

cheryl said...

oh hun you sound really sick,you should take more than a day off hun you sound as though you need a really good rest.
As for your card hun,its just brilliant love that image and your coloring is stunning,take it easy hun hugs cherylxxxx

PinksyDoodles said...

Sorry to hear you are unwell. I hope you get better really soon.
Your card is adorable! I love that it is a "Just Because" card.
Thank you for joining in with our first challenge at Ready-Teddy-Go.
Clare x

pinky said...

Oh you poor wee thing Chrissy, totally understand you wanting your mummy but what a darling little grandson you have:) I love your cute wee teddy card, how you managed to make it I will never know cause your description of your illness left nothing to the imagination lol. Keep warm, take it really easy and get well soon. Sending you a hug.

Debbie said...

Oh dear you poor thing.Get well soon Chrissy.Sending you a big hug.Yet you still manage to craft, you're a trouper.Really cute card.Beautiful colouring and fab embellishments.Take care.ove Debbie x

coops said...

aw chrissy you sound so poorly.i hope you start to feel better soon.
your card is gorgeous, i love your colours and the image is adorable :D

xx coops xx

gobeagirl said...

Oh Chrissy God bless your little Grandson. There isn't anything better than a little guys logic. We should all think things through like that. I am so sorry to hear you are sick. You be careful. Don't want you to end up in the hospital. My lady next door who is 91 just is getting over having pneumonia and she coughed so hard that she did something really bad to her back, so I go over every three days to change her Duragesic patch for her. She is a stuborn bird, but a sweetie and she reminds me so much of my Nana. Anyway, love your card and I am so surprised that you have the energy to make anything let alone worry about commenting on everyone's blog. Silly girl. lol... Take care and get better soon. Hugs, Lisa

Anne-Marie said...

I hate feeling unwell.

Your card is lovely, the teddy and the ladybird are totally gorgeous.

Thanks for joining us at Ready-Teddy-Go Challenge and the best of luck.

Hope you feel better soon.

Anne-Marie x x

Sally said...

Aaahh Chrissy sending you love and hugs for a speedy recovery :)
Gorgeous card, love the image.....really cute.
So glad you could join us for our first challenge at Ready Teddy Go.
Hugs Sally xxxx

Blissful Paper Creations said...

Chrissy, kids say the sweetest things don't they?
Sorry to hear that you feel unwell but how honoured to think that even whilst so ill you felt you could enter our Ready-Teddy-Go Challenge, thank you.

Good luck with the prize draw and feel better real soon.

Warm wishes, Julie Ann x

Teresa - My Crafty Heart said...

Oh Chrissy, you poor thing, you sound awful - keep taking plenty of medicine won't you? you managed to create a wonderful card here and I love his little rosey cheeks, keep warm, Hugs, Teresa x

heidy said...

Hi Chrissy,sorry to hear that your still not feeling well sweetie,hope that that improve real soon!
Your card is so sweet,just love it!
XXX Heidy

Gemma said...

Hope you feel better soon. This is such a lovely card great image any layout. Thank you for joining us at Ready Teddy Go Challenge. Gemma x

Unknown said...

It's cute.

Sonia said...

Wonderful card thanks for joining in with our first every challenge on Ready-Teddy-Go
Hugs Sonia xx