
Tuesday, December 24, 2013


I wish this was my lounge....but it isn't...I could really be comfortable in it...

Hello Everyone...I just had to come is Christmas Eve and wanted to share a few of my favourite pic's with tree.. and 'My Ladies' Angel that my G/son made for her...Harry [of course]..and my favourite 5 Christmas cards from this year to enter Debby' challenge...

First...My has a top on it, I just couldn't move back any further to fit it in..

Second...'My Lady's' beautiful Angel...

My crafty G/son made this for 'My Lady' last year out of a magazine..used all Dads gold paint and two pots of my[he had just turned 8 ..  constant companion...9 years old and still acts like a puppy..

And my favoutire Christmas cards from 2013...had to be strong here as I love about 8 of them...



And that is the end of that...and nearly the Year 2013 I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and thank you so much for stopping by like you do and for leaving wonderful comments which gives me confidence and incentiive to make more...I have made such lovely friends and feel like I know you all anyway..

Thank you for the beautiful cards and gifts I received..and all the very best for the New Year 2014...

See you on the 30th....[but will probably sneak on here if no one is



Anonymous said...

Chrissy wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. With love Alison and Family xx

Squirrel x said...

Beautiful photos hunny and a gorgeous choice of cards. Have yourself a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hugs Sxx

Unknown said...

I just had to sneek in here too my friend and I wish you the best day tomorrow and love your angel grandson made and your best of the best cards....take care ...luv aNNie xxxx

Desire Fourie said...

Chrissy your tree is just out of this world beautiful and so colourful. And of course your card creations, as always, is just amazing. Such a cute 'puppy' too.
Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

Lisa Minckler said... stinker...I knew you couldn't stay away! :)
Those are just the best pictures Chrissy. Your top 5 are perfect choices and I so love that photo of Henry. His eyes are so attentive to you and what you're doing :D What a cutie and that angel...OH MY WORD..that's the coolest thing ever!
Merry Merry Merry Christmas my friend and I look forward to more years spent crafting alongside you via the inter-web. LOL!
Lisa x

Lisa Minckler said...

OMG..did I call your dog Henry? I think I did. Too many dogs in our family and Henry is one of them. If so,....I meant Harry!! The only dog I can keep straight is my grandma's dog Caramel and that's only because it's a food!

Céline said...

fab choice
happy christmas

Sue said...

Such a treat to visit your blog today Chrissy. Your tree looks gorgeous, I love the gold angel made by your Grandson and Harry looks very handsome.
Thank you for sharing your top 5 Christmas cards, they are all so beautiful.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too.
hugs Sue xx

Christina said...

Have a great holiday Chrissy!!
Hugs Kristel

Annette said...

Merry Christmas Chrissy. Have a lovely day.

Carol S. said...

Hi Chrissy, Stunning photos and lovely cards. I wish you and your family and of course, your ladies, a wonderful Christmas and an amazing 2014. Big
Christmas hugs, Carol S.xx

heidy said...

These are all gorgeous Chrissy!!
Merry Christmas!!

Vicky said...

Gorgeous as always hun...and wishing you a very merry Christmas too...:o)

biggest of love n hugs Vicky xx

Words and Pictures said...

What a wonderful post, Chrissy - I love your creations!! Heartwarming to see your beautiful dog made the list... Sorry to be so behind, but I love the new photo, and I wish you a wonderful Christmas! See you on the other side!
Alison xx

Margaret said...

Lovely card Chrissy. Have a wonderful Christmas.
Margaret M

Carmen said...

Great choices. Loving your fav. 5

Whisper said...

Oooo what a stunning collection of cards and i so love all of unique embellishments too.

I wish my 6 year old would love crafting as much as me !!, your g/son's angel is gorgeous, so is your tree and your adorable pooch too.

Merry Christmas hun, Luv Sam x

Diane said...

0h my Chrissy....I love your top 5 sweetie !! BUT I love,love ,love Harry !!

hugs Diane xx said...

Happy christmas sweetie xxx

XxJULESxX said...

Hi Chrissy love the selection just amazing!!!
wishing you the very best x

Hazel (Didos) said...

Love your cards they are all super, I adore My Ladys Beautiful Angel, She looks amazing, Hope you had a lovely Festive Season, Love Hazelxo

pinky said...

What a lovely post Chrissy. Gorgeous tree, with lots on to catch the eye. The angel is a beautiful creation, the apple did not fall far from the tree lol. I love your Christmas cards, well I love all your card. Wishing you a very happy new year for 2014 and thanks so much for your kind words on my blog Chrissy. Hugs

Jennifer said...

Such a lovely post, Chrissy! Love all your photos. That angel is gorgeous...what a clever little Grandson you have. Your 'Top 5' are amazing too. Harry is adorable, so please give him a big kiss from me.

Jennifer. x

Ellibelle said...

Fabulous creations Chrissy. Loving your cards, your tree looks amazing, and what a cute dog!

Sherryn said...

Gorgeous Top five and merry christmas chrissy, xx

cheryl said...

Beautiful top 5 hun just wanted to say happy christmas and have a brill 2014 hugs cheryl x

downrightcrafty said...

great selection, hope you had a lovely Christmas and have a great New Year
Hugs Kate xx
ps I have new candy if you are interested :)

Eulanda said...

Oh how I love that lounge too!! I could be so comfy there! I love your selection of cards. They are just fabulous so great picks!! I hope you had a lovely holiday! Happy new year to you as well.

Pop's Cards said...

Hi sweetie such gorgeous creations, huggles Pops x x x

Tammy said...

Wonderful pictures, thanks for sharing! I especially love Harry! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa was very good to you!

gobeagirl said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you my friend. I just love your list. I think you tree is just splendid and I really love all the blue glow of lights on it in your picture. LOVE the angel that your grandson made. Years and years ago my Mom and Aunt made Mr. & Mrs. Clause the same way out of Readers Digest. Oh I have to confess that had to have in

gobeagirl said...

Oh Chrissy I hit wrong button and I don't know if you got my first comment or not. :0( Anyways I hope you had a wonderful Christmas my friend. Hope you have a Happy New Year as well. Hugs to you and Harry.

debby4000 said...

Love the your photos Chrissy as well as the gorgeous Christmas Cards.
Thank you for joining me with my Five Favourite Christmas Creations

Debs said...

Hi Chrissy
Gorgeous selection of festive makes and your photos are fabulous - thanks for sharing.
Hope you had a lovely Christmas.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Debs xx

misteejay said...

I would be very happy with a lounge like that too.

Beautiful selection of cards but I think my favourite has to be the LOTV image (second one) - TFS.

Toni xx

Unknown said...

Stunning cards Chrissy, you must have had a hard time to choose :) and o I love your tree, the beautiful angel done by your g'son and Harry looks so cute there :) Wishing you all the best for a lovely New Year xxx

cheryl said...

Love the photos hun and just gorgeous cards too happy new year sweetie hugs cheryl xx

Shirley-Anne said...

Hi Chrissy .Wonderful Christmas tree beautifully decorated ..Amazing angel made by your grandson and Harry is adorable .Stunning selection of your favourite cards .
hugs Shirley-Anne