
Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Hello Everyone..

I discovered in my stash one day these beautiful pearls paints which I first thought were absolute rubbish, but learned to be patient and played with them until I learned  what to do..lots of water helps..

The colours are so lovely and pearly and the paint just glides on..once you have them all limbered up.

Here is a real close up..these colours are just as they mixing.

Then Holly stepped up to say hi!..and you can my shoddy studio for photographing..a pillow slip no

And the final photo is a side view.., really like this card.

Thanks so much for stopping by...nearly the beginning of a new month and releases.. boy am I busy..see you soon..



KarinsArtScrap said...

gorgeous Chrissy
Gr Karin

Janette said...

Looks gorgeous Chrissy, my you have many talents you really do, beautiful card....give Holly a hug from a UK fan..haha..xx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Very pretty card and a great photobomb

Chris said...

Gorgeous card Annie, those pearly paints are beautiful...the pillow slip looks great in the photos!!! Of course Holly had to pose there, she knew how fantastic she would look against that green..matches her eyes!:)

Sarah said...

What a pretty card Chrissy, I suspect your pearly paints are something like the Twinkling H20's that needed activating with water. You have inspired me to get mine out!! Holly is looking very gorgeous and deserves to be papped!! xx

Pia S said...

I love to see how you seem to be experimenting with different inks, paints and styles lately. This is one gorgeous design. And I applaud you making good photos of it too:)

Carol S. said...

Love your beautiful card and a very pretty image. Holly is adorable and a brilliant photo. Big hugs, Carol S.xxxx

crafty-stamper said...

You are doing some brilliant watercolouring Chrissy and this one is so beautiful-the pillow case makes a brilliant backdrop-and Holly is gorgeous and back to full health !!!
Carol x

*Vicki* said...

I think your watercolor designs are turning out so beautifully Chrissy! Those pearly paints are so dreamy and creamy and I love to play with them! Glad that you sat down for some fun to have a play!! Your photo studio is perfect!! Love your cute little buddy to join you!! :) HUGS

Lisa Lynn said...

Chrissy, that card is beautiful. You do such a great job with the paits. Love the bright sheets that you have as a backdrop....don't know how you can sleep, lol. Holly is looking great!!! So glad that she is back to being healthy again, at least hope that is the case.

pinky said...

This style really suits you Chrissy! I think you have found yet another string to your bow!! Holly definitely likes the limelight lol.

Wendy said...

Absolutely beautiful!
Wendy xx

debby4000 said...

Beautiful watercolours card.

Liz McGuire, said...

Beautiful card ( and cat), I love how you descibed the paints as limbering up! Liz x

Words and Pictures said...

These pearly flowers are so pretty - the colours so lovely and soft, and I love the white lines of the image. The feline photo bombing made me smile!
Alison x

aussie aNNie said...

NOW I know I looked at this and am sure I commented? Where did it love love this Chrissy, it's a true stunning work of art...BTW Love the green pillowcase and