
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Gorgeous,small and green update

Hello Everyone......I forgot to tell you the other day that my gorgeous, small and green purchase also weighs approz. 1200kilos!!..........![will show you at the end of my post]

Another mild morning for me....slight breeze and nearly time for work...but first would like to thank Pops  for coming to my rescue and getting my Saturated Canary card up on the challenge blog...I tried and it just would not work, so again Pops..thank you...

I also received a gorgeous gift in the post from  Cheryl  and just love it....

Beautiful aren't  they....Thanks you again Cheryl, so much.

Now a quick card to share for the Ready-teddy-go-challenge  

The theme was up up and away...well, I did not have any flying Bears, so these wee care Bears was as close as I got to flying this time.....

A bit closer...coloured with Faber Castell pencils and a few copics and glitter...

A side view, and I made the kite, with his wire tail and some twine, from left over DP, which are freebies from simply cards and papercraft magazine.

So there you go, have since found some more flying Bears, so must make a couple more cards for the challenge....and just before I go... here is my gorgeous,small,green,and 1200 kilo  purchase...

There she is, the nicest car I have ever owned...and sooo economical..I zip through the traffic, getting to my clients, I can fit it in my garage twice...well, nearly..the wipers work, and so does the now I sing at the traffic lights... really badly..Harry only just gets in the back, but as long as he can go for a ride, he does not mind being a bit

Thanks for stopping by....will see you later as I have a CSD DT card to share...and that was out of my comfort zone..I tell ya..



chrissy xx said...

WoW! One super green car! JUst Gorgeous and as long as Harry fits in it lol.....Perfect...
Gorgeous card to Chrissy. LOve this image and your colours are FABulous.
LOve the extra kite with the 'ribbons' on.. LOve your sky too.

Sue said...

A gorgeous fun card,love the flying kite.
Fabulous colour on your car Chrissy.
Hugs Sue

Blissful Paper Creations said...

Love your card Chrissy, so cute [I remember Care Bears from my childhood, so it was so nice to see them again]

Thanks for taking part in the Ready-Teddy-Go challenge this month.

P.S. Love your cute little car too

Warmest wishes,
Julie Ann x

Debbie (Little Gingham Bear) said...

Great card - love the care bears - fabby new car am sure Harry will love being a furry back seat driver lol xx

Jane said...

Love this Chrissy, put this one at the top of my 'fav' card list'. Love the new motor too! xx

heidy said...

Wow Cheryl did spoiled you,thats a gorgeous gift Chrissy and I love your cute card!
Fab car too,hope you and Harry will drive a lot safe miles in it!
XXX Heidy

Lisa Jane said...

ooh i just love your little car.. its so cute .. and a gorgeous colour..fab card .. love how the kite is off the page ..
Lisa x

NancyD said...

I just love your card, Chrissy! It is so summery and fun. The car is not bad either. NancyD

Debs M said...

great teddies, love the dp's and the kite you added!Thanks for joining us for our ‘Up, Up and Away’ Challenge at Ready-Teddy-Go! Hope to see you again soon x

Debbie Dt x

Pia S said...

The image is such a sweet one! I love how you've colored the sky with clouds. Lovely card!

Anonymous said...

Love your new motor Chrissy and love your fabulous card too! Care Bears were one of my favourite things when I was younger and I still have a cuddly one! Thanks for joining us Ready Teddy Go!
Helen x

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Fabulous card Chrissy love the kite flying off the page! A really cute image. Your car looks fabulous there will be no stopping you now if you have music!! xx

Caroline said...

Gorgeous card Chrissy love the kite and the layout is super. Love your car also. Caroline xxx

Mary J said...

Just an adorable card, Chrissy - I love your background colouring - beautifully done!

Unknown said...

Fab car ooops mean card lol....cute bears and love the kites. Both are super nice...luv annie

Michelle said...

Hi Chrissy

Gorgeous card! Love those wee little bears and their kites. It looks amazing how you have created the kite string too.

Your little pressie is just beautiful.

Wow, check out your car!! Can just see you in there singing at the lights, lol.

Michelle :o)

Shelby said...

What a great little zipper of a card! Lovely present you also received.
Love this card. The shades of reds and blues look amazing together and how you've used the twine looks great.


Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Aww this is the sweetest Chrissy!Love the layout and the super cute image. Loving those clouds too! Love your car too...beautiful colour! :D

coops said...

so gorgeous chrissy.really love the bears and great papers and details :D
enjoy your new car :D

xx coops xx

gobeagirl said...

Hi again, I don't know where to start. I love your card. You are always so good with the bears and I mean who doesn't love the Care Bears right? I also think your car is just awesome. I wish I had a cute car to sing and zip in and out of traffic. I have a big white(old paint and dirty) Oldsmobile that I really hate, but it runs so for now as I don't have to make payments and Jerry isn't working I will just put up with it. I however think your car looks awesome and I can just picture you and Harry singing along as you go. BTW, who cares if the singing is good or not as long as Harry can handle it. lmbo... hugs as always, Lisa

pinky said...

Love the care bears and love your card and that fab paper Chrissy. Wishing you health to enjoy your gorgeous green car!!

coldwaters2 said...

I love those cutie bears they remind me of those characters from Star Wars i think they were called something like Ewbok??? not sure but they are so cuddly looking, I love the cloud effect and the sparkle on the kite, lovely papers, I love it.
Lorraine x

Anne-Marie said...

Just a super card and fits our theme of 'Up, up and Away' wonderfully.

Thank you for joining us at RTG Challenge this month.

Anne-Marie xx