
Sunday, November 13, 2022


 Hello everyone,

Remember I challenged myself to colour and make some cards, well, I did it..

All printed..this was a freebie a long time ago from Crissy Armstrong - Whimsey Stamps

Getting started, and all one layer..

So after these few were done,
 I wandered off for a drink or something to eat or a tinkle..
Then decided to time myself from start to finish in the colouring..

with a very modern way of timing, ha ha ha..GO!


DONE!!.. 9 minutes..mmm not bad..

I clean up after everyone and set up for next one..[ OCD-lol]

Then there were five..

Then before I could even think about it, there were 10

I messed up one of the snow grounds,
 but let it go, lesson learned..

This was adding snow, painted on the glue, very lightly, stops the card from warping and sprinkled the snow glitter..

See the odd man out?

Already for their sentiments..

Which I printed out...THAT'S when my printer died..

Matted the sentiments in red, crooked, so roughed up the edges so you cannot tell..

added some red gems for the berries..

There they are on the bases..

And yes Janette, they bled through. but I did anticipate that..

and popped in folded copy paper inserts, that covers it a bit.

Plus, the card stock is cheap stuff I had in my cupboard..
and pretty soft.

but I did it, and really wanted to do more, 
but will have to sort out the printer issue first..

Later that day when all was dry, they were bagged up and ready to go out to the shop..
So there we go..

Thank you so much for stopping by,
I'll see you tomorrow..


Challenges to enter....

Crafty Calendar  [anything goes]

Alphabet Challenge  [ P for precious]


Margreet said...

You established a record in creating these 10 fab snowmen cards, Chrissy. They are a lovely set. So sorry for your printer. Hope you was able to bring it to life again.
xxx Margreet

Dawn T said...

You really were on a roll Chrissy. Delightful cards

Valerie-Jael said...

I am always astonished how many pieces you get done in one session. Thesye days I'm proud of myself when I find my way to my craft table! Gorgeous cards! Hugs, Valerie

Janette said...

Oh no Chrissy I am so sorry for opening my big gob, but I had to laugh because you name shamed me ha ha ha .... But you win with these wonderful little snowmen, such gorgeous cards, one thing I have to ask, where is the odd man out, I couldn't find him !!!!!! I also must not send you any more hanging stuff, gosh you must be sick of them :)) who needs friends like that...haha...happy

KarinsArtScrap said...

fantastic and beautiful Chrissy

gr karin

Chris said...

They look gorgeous Chrissy, 9 minutes is very quick to colour an image!
You did really well to complete all 10 of them!

Conniecrafter said...

They are so very cute, yeah I always do my coloring on another cardstock and then add that too my card base.
That is a bummer about your printer, hopefully you figured out what went wrong and don't have to purchase a new one, unless you would like a new one and this is a good excuse ;)

crafty-stamper said...

Beautiful collection Chrissy and love the snowman image
carol x

pam said...

OMW you were on a roll Chrissy, they look gorgeous, beautiful colouring and design.
Hugs Pam x

Lynda said...

Fabulous collection of festive cards. Thank you for joining us at The Alphabet Challenge xx Lynda/Loopyloo DT

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Amazing, love you times your colouring, what fabulous cards, they will go like hotcakes I'm sure, as for the odd one,? Nah! It was supposed to be that way :)
Faith x

*Vicki* said...

I absolutely love this smiling snowman image with his sweet birdie friend! You've done an amazing job coloring up and creating these collection of cards my friend!

Brenda said...

You were just a card making machine and each was consistently beautifully crafted.