
Monday, December 11, 2023


 Hello everyone,

What a great weekend, I was spoilt and so happy..

First of all..this came..

and it was son then said via messenger..
" clean out your window area in craftroom, see you after work"

So set to by bringing out these cubes with all my dies, and they were heavy, into my hallway.
I have my cubes on their sides, makes them a lot more sturdier.

to make the room under this big window...

and then I knew, he hated these venetians which were always crooked...

as the slats were held together with popsicle sticks, they were bent and some cracked, but were okay by me..

Then of course, getting the old venetian out and getting the new blind in, all this stuff had to be moved..
not too far but moved all the same..

it was said once that my room was big enough to swing a cat in, but sure is not big enough with all my stuff around to get this long blind in the room, for turning purposes..

But then it was up...

and down...perfect..I can see out, but no one can see in, I even turned the light on last night went outside and perved in, nothing, cannot see anything..

Oh dear, I had a video but it wont play..but it is motorised so
I'm very happy and lucky.. 

Thank you so much for stopping by, no craft project today,
I'm too busy playing with my blind..

I'll see you tomorrow..




KarinsArtScrap said...

thats great Chrissy,,,,,,gr karin

chrissy xx said...

Wow! Such a lovely Christmas present Chrissy.
Looks good!!

Janette said...

Oh wowser Chrissy what a brilliant gift, I love the blind and the very fact it stops nosy neighbours is a massive plus, it looks gorgeous, what a good son. Enjoy. xxx

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Chris said...

How thoughtful of your son and what a wonderful pressie! Your new blind looks very smart...and it's always good to know that all those pervs out there can't see what you get up to in your craft room!! :))

Margreet said...

Your room is already beautiful but looks even more beautiful with this fab new blind. And so good that nobody from outside can see you!
You will enjoy it a lot!
xxx Margreet

Kath said...

It looks great Chrissy!
Kath x

Sarah said...

what a brilliant pressie Chrissy!!

Conniecrafter said...

that is a wonderful gift, I love that you can see out but no one can see in that is very nice! I understand the not having much room thing!

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

AH! That is one thoughtful son. You are blessed.
Faith x

*Vicki* said...

yay! What a wonderful Christmas present! How nice of him to help you get things in order as he must know what his mum loves to do!! Very sweet and it looks wonderful! Speaking of which in case I don't get back on here, I want to wish you and all of yours a very joyful Christmas Season! Thanks for your wonderful inspiration through the year! HUGS

aussie aNNie said...

Pretty awesome son. xx

pinky said...

Now I want one Chrissy. That blind sounds and looks amazing!!!

Brenda said...

You are not only a master cardmaker, you must be a pretty great mom too! What a wonderful son you have raised. Your blinds look amazing!