
Monday, May 20, 2024


 Hello everyone,

Just popped in to share a tag I made for Tag Tuesday..their theme is Cats..

Now cats pretend to be stupid, but having one and knowing her, they are not, they are cunning and clever and manage to manipulate you to do anything they want, you are at their beck and call..

I started off with a white tag this time, and using a dauber made a sky.

Die cut my hanging cat..

and my succulents..

and arranged them, some in pots and some not..

added some stones ( or Nuvo crystal Drops )

Popped my pussy cat on there..

and a sentiment, as this is the predicament Holly got into not long ago over at my neighbors
and Ross climbed up to get her!!!

I have a picture of her sitting outside my craft room window, whimpering..
I can't get down, I go out walk across the stones and she jumps down and I'm sure she was laughing at me..

So, there you go..

Thank you so much for popping in, I'll see you tomorrow..


Challenges to enter..

Tag Tuesday   ( Cats..)

and another trumpet time..



Janette said...

Hahaha, oh Chrissy you got this spot on. So true about cats, our Luna climbs a huge tree at the back of the house and sits there crying out until my son goes out to 'rescue' her, she is a tease and as you say they just want you at the beck and call hahaha. I love this fabulous tag, it really does look like Holly, wonderful. xx

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

What a fun and fabulous creation Chrissy, love the story of the cat, Yep! They certainly know how to handle us hahaha. x

Margreet said...

Gorgeous and funny tag with Holly hanging above the succulents.
Congrats on your Topper.
xxx Margreet

Chris said...

Oh that little Holly has you on a piece of string Chrissy! I never think cats are they definitely know how to get their humans to do exactly what they want! love the tag, the die cuts are fabulous and it illustrated Holly's predicament perfectly! Good thing your son was there to rescue her - could have been a painful experience for her otherwise.

crafty-stamper said...

Great tag and love the succulents and Holly just hanging-they are far from stupid was just saying to Helen yesterday they are supposed to be our pets but in reality we are their staff and they have us well trained lol.
Carol x

KarinsArtScrap said...

o what a cute and lovely tag karin

Aimeslee Winans said...

I'm LOL'ing at this one! Well done, xoxo

coldwaters2 said...

I agree 100% Chrissy I don't think any animal is stupid like some people think, there are some very smart cats and dogs (to mention a couple) out there that can wrap us around their little paws, lol. I love your tag and how you put it together a super creation well done
lolo x

Shirley-Anne said...

And we fall for our loved pets everytime , dont we ..LOL
Love the stones that you created for the image .Clever you . That sentiment is so apt and so funny .

Michele said...

clever and delightful! thank you for linking to my cats challenge at tag tuesday! xo

Conniecrafter said...

Too cute, love this and the story behind it, yes we have had many cats over the years and they know just what they are doing and will act like it is the first time you have told them something when it has actually been the 100th.
I love those cactus and the cool pots too!

pinky said...

That Holly one is a character for sure Chrissy lol. I love your tag and a great memory for you!!

pinky said...

Opps forgot to say thanks for playing along with us at Tag Tuesday.

Sarah said...

A brilliant card Chrissy. You know what they say...dogs have owners cats have staff!! xx