
Friday, July 5, 2024


 Hello everyone,

Small story, I was at the supermarket with my youngest son when he popped into Napier for a visit and we collected some groceries and as we were walking out, I spotted a box, such a neat square box not too high at the sides, and wanted it, so I took it, and planned on  decorating it, which I did, but...getting to the car I heard something move in the box, I turned to box, and there was a note on the side, by now we in the car, and heading for home, I read the note and it said, "free seeds please take one "..glad I did, but probably not supposed to take them all, but I did, and now what to do with them??...

Quite a few wasn't there, and I feel kind of guilty, like a criminal, but..well
craft comes first and we were home, so they second hand by now..

So to cover my guilt I thought I better cover them and make something,
 hiding the evidence I suppose..

and made gift card holder, for the ladies...
Closed, with Velcro dots.


with a card in the pocket..

and labelled..

Used several papers all roses and music..

made the pocket from leftover kraft card scraps..

and ended with a set of six...

lighter papers...

and decorated this pocket with scraps of roses paper..

Then moved on to the men..

Ther number plates in yellow I simply love..
and used it on all of these..

the papers are Mintay, "Garage "..

Decorated the pockets on some..

made set of six..

and here they all are, evidence deleted, guilt?. not so much..

thank you so much for stopping by..
 Hope you liked these, they were so much fun to do, now I'm playing with a load of brown paper, folded, getting wrinkles out, trimming and just making stuff..the papers were at least 20feet long and not in the greatest condition..

See you tomorrow or next day..
New PC getting set up tomorrow ( Saturday ).and ready for transferring files, how fun..



Janette said...

What a lovely story this morning Chrissy, I love the papers, Mintay are gorgeous aren't they, did you scatter the seeds, I have to ask just because, at first I thought you were going to say you had covered the packets or designed some wonderful creation and added the packets as a little gift, so now my curiosity has the better of me...haha. However, as always you made some wonderful little gift packs, I don't think anyone will be arresting you anytime soon for that do you !!!!
Enjoy your new PC when set up, I am still up to my ears in paints....xx

KarinsArtScrap said...

wow what great idea and gorgeous papers you have used Chrissy, love karin

Margreet said...

Great story about picking one out of the When they come to arrest you, you give them some of the altered ones and they let you go.
You made various beautiful gift cards with them. Love both the female and masculine ones.
Good luck with the PC set up.
xxx Margreet

Chris said...

You do make me laugh Chrissy, would have loved to have seen your face when you realised that you'd taken all the seeds as well as the box!
Love what you did with the packets- can't decide which are the best- the lady ones or the man ones, all so gorgeous...and you can sleep soundly- no one will ever recognise them now!

Aimeslee Winans said...

Well you'd best plant those seeds, young lady! heehee
I would say something like how people's craft obsessions can lead to a life of crime, but I'm too busy admiring your beautiful little holders to keep a train of thought.
Oh, right, by the way, where's the dang box now?

crafty-stamper said...

What a brilliant idea and transformation,love the beautiful papers.Have fun with your new PC.
Carol x

Dawn T said...

Had a little giggle at your story... hope you are going to plant the seeds too! Love these little gift folders.

*Vicki* said...

You always take something so unexpected and create something amazing with it my friend! If they saw what you've done, I'm sure they wouldn't mind one bit! The papers look amazing and I especially love both the masculine and feminine sets with them! Brilliant!

pinky said...

The great escape Chrissy lol. The seeds packets couldn't have gone to a better home. Look how well they have been treated already!! I absolutely love what you have done here. Another one to case!!

coldwaters2 said...

Lol, what you like Chrissy, lol, fancy picking up a box with free seed packets inside, but once again so glad you did you have created something not only beautiful but useful and these will bring so much delight to whoever receives them, those papers are lovely I got some very similar from Temu only used them a couple of times must get them out and make something nearly as nice as you have created unfortunately I have lost my mojo and motivation to craft at the moment struggling immensely but I am sure one day I will pop back especially with your inspiring projects to refer to
lolo x

Conniecrafter said...

those were neat packets for the seeds and you sure did dress them up very lovely for sure! Great papers to work with and great project!
Wish you much luck with transfering the files that is the worse to me

Brenda said...

Yay for your new computer! I’m sure it will be kinda like moving my craft room, you’ll be hunting and figuring it out for a bit. I love your seed packets. I feel like your getting them was serendipitous. How else would they have become such beautiful treasures?