
Thursday, May 16, 2024


 Hello everyone,

A new challenge today over at As You Like It  and Brenda is our hostess and the theme is " SKETCH" 

shows us and tell us why, it is your favourite sketch..

Mmmm..well, to be honest, I think I have only ever followed a sketch once before for another DT..I'm inclined to wander off from what I'm supposed to be doing but  this, time, I did good..

I found this online, and thought it looked good for a tag..
or vintage style.I just liked it and now it is going to be my favourite..

so printed this out, no good if I don't, and then cut all my elements..

and layered them up onto the tag, so that part was good to go..

To make those circles interesting I die cut numbers in circles
and I ended up with the positive and negative.

Then the flag tags or whatever you call them I cut in design papers.

covered the tag as well and then all those bits were ready..

Follow the sketch, follow the sketch..

Gluing the small numbers underneath the circle..
follow the sketch..

Which then went on top of those flag tags.
Follow the sketch..

DONE!! I did it.....then..

I loaded it up with all sorts of other stuff, couldn't help it, I just had to..
but the original sketch is still there, just covered a little bit..

So there you go..

We are sponsored by..

with a $25 voucher...thank you.

So come on over HERE with your favourite sketch and join in..

Thank you so much for stopping by..
I'll see you tomorrow..




Janette said...

Well, for a start Chrissy, when ever we had to do a sketch I always ended up twisting it about or moving things around, so you did well to keep, more or less, to the brief, hahaha.
This is gorgeous, I love the one you chose, love all your little added bits and bobs, the photo of the intense looking guy is very 'nice'. Anyways I love it. xx

Chris said...

You did a great job following that sketch Chrissy, your added extras are fabulous and add even more interest to your tag.

aussie aNNie said...

Great tag and take on the sketch Chrissy, looks amazing

Valerie-Jael said...

Of course you needed to do more!!! But it's fabulous! You nailed it! Hugs, Valerie

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! You are funny Chrissy, the added bits, just made it more interesting and fabulous. Well done on following the sketch. x

Margreet said...

Gorgeous tag following a sketch. Adding some extra's is always allowed, as long as the original sketch is still recognizable. And it is!!!! You did a great job!!!
xxx Margreet

crafty-stamper said...

Great tag and sketch you chose,love all the vintage papers and embellishments.
Carol x

*Vicki* said...

I absolutely love that you've made this into a tag with your card sketch! Really love your choice of the sketch too with all of those banners! Fun style with the Vintage images and colors too! Well done my friend!

KarinsArtScrap said...

great and beautiful tag karin

coldwaters2 said...

Lol oh Chrissy what are you like, lol, I was so surprised when I saw your title follow a sketch, you.... well you did it and I think you have done a fantastic job the addition of all those amazing extras is perfect and it's you, a top notch piece of work
lolo x

Mariann Jakobsen said...

Gorgeous tag!! Great piece of work!

Elaine Stark said...

This design looks great as a tag. brilliant. Elaine

Aimeslee Winans said...

You did good with the sketch!
You may have surmised that I use them ALOT and still I will accidentally overlook an element I was supposed to add. Also, sometimes I intentionally change things up.
So, hey, following them exactly all the time thwarts creativity in my book!

Sarah said...

You did brilliantly with that sketch!! Gold star Mrs!! xx

Conniecrafter said...

Great job with this sketch like the numbers on the circles, like how you added the sentiment across the banners, and the extra tab across the top.